I spent photographing Presidential Hopefuls in NH this labor day weekend. On Saturday, I spent covering Hillary Clinton. On Sunday, I spent covering Scott Walker. On Monday, I photographed Bernie Sanders, John Kasick, Carley Fiorina and Lindsey Graham. You can see more photographs on campaign on Road to the White House by Keiko .
土曜日 ヒラリークリントンさん
日曜日 スコットウォーカーさん
月曜日 バーニーサンダースさん、カーリーフィオリーナさん、
2016年大統領選挙の候補者の方々の写真はウェブサイトのRoad to the White House by Keikoにのせています。 お時間のあるときにでもご覧いただければ幸いです。
September 5, 2015, Portsmouth, NH USA: Hillary Clinton Democratic Presidential candidate greets people on streets in Portsmouth, NH.
September 6, 2015, Milford, NH, USA: Republican presidential candidate and Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker campaigning during Labor Day Weekend Harley Ride at Milford, NH.
September 7, 2015, Milford, NH, USA: Republican Presidential candidate Lindsey Graham (R-SC) campaigning before Labor Day Parade in Milford, NH.
September 7, 2015, Milford, NH, USA: Republican Presidential candidate and Ohio Governor John Kasich campaigning before Labor Day Parade in Milford, NH.
September 7, 2015, Milford, NH, USA: Republican Presidential candidate Carly Fiorina campaigning before Labor Day Parade in Milford, NH.
September 7, 2015, Concord, NH, USA: Democratic Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders (I-VT) campaigning at his NH campaign headquarter opening in Concord, NH.