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Year 2020 2020年 

2020… it was a difficult year. Although vaccine developed, and the healing begins, the scars of this year will remain with us for a long time. I hope to keep learning, keeping my head up and marching to next year.






3月25日 コロナロックダウン中のハーバードヤード。March 25, Harvard Yard in the afternoon of March 25, 2020 in Cambridge, MA.  Harvard University President Lawrence S. Bacow announced that he and his wife have tested positive for the coronavirus on Tuesday on March 24.  Ha…

3月25日 コロナロックダウン中のハーバードヤード。

March 25, Harvard Yard in the afternoon of March 25, 2020 in Cambridge, MA. Harvard University President Lawrence S. Bacow announced that he and his wife have tested positive for the coronavirus on Tuesday on March 24. Harvard University closed its campus earlier in March.  

4月6日 自宅で近所の有志グループの一員としてマスクを縫うマサチュセッツ工科大学宇宙航空研究開発機構所長レベッカマスターソン博士。マスターソン博士が参加していいる近所のマスク作り有志グループ人数は70人を超え、作成したマスクは近所の病院に寄付をする。写真撮影時4月7日の時点で560枚以上のマスクが寄付された。Apri 6, Rebecca Masterson, an aerospace engineer and principal research scientist in the Aeron…

4月6日 自宅で近所の有志グループの一員としてマスクを縫うマサチュセッツ工科大学宇宙航空研究開発機構所長レベッカマスターソン博士。マスターソン博士が参加していいる近所のマスク作り有志グループ人数は70人を超え、作成したマスクは近所の病院に寄付をする。写真撮影時4月7日の時点で560枚以上のマスクが寄付された。

Apri 6, Rebecca Masterson, an aerospace engineer and principal research scientist in the Aeronautics and Astronautics department and director of Space Systems Laboratory at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, cuts and threads the elastic for face masks at her kitchen table.

Maserson is one of over 70 volunteers in her neighborhood group, making face masks to donate to Cambridge Health Alliance which has 29 locations in greater Boston area, during the COVID-19 pandemic. The group has delivered 560 face masks and more in the production line.

4月25日 コロナ禍のなかレストラン業界救済と医療従事者の負担を減らすことを目的として結成された Off Their Plate プログラム用に食事を用意するレストランスタッフ。Off Their Plateは基金を募り、病院勤務の医療従事者に栄養価のいい食事の宅配をコロナロックダウン中のレストランに委託する。レストランは予算の50%以上をスタッフの人件費に充てる。April 25 Kitchen staffs preparing meals for hospital workers at P…

4月25日 コロナ禍のなかレストラン業界救済と医療従事者の負担を減らすことを目的として結成された Off Their Plate プログラム用に食事を用意するレストランスタッフ。Off Their Plateは基金を募り、病院勤務の医療従事者に栄養価のいい食事の宅配をコロナロックダウン中のレストランに委託する。レストランは予算の50%以上をスタッフの人件費に充てる。

April 25 Kitchen staffs preparing meals for hospital workers at Pagu in Cambridge as a part of Off Their Plate (OTP) program. OTP is a non profit established during COVID pandemic to commission restaurants to deliver food to hospital COVID front line workers. On April 22, 2020, OTP, works with World Central Kitchen has expanded in 9 cities, working with more than 50 restaurants and 110 health care facilities.

4月22日 ボストンホームレスヘルスケアセンターのコロナ簡易テントの外に立つタラプラサド歯科医。April 22, Dentist Tara Prasad outside of the Boston Health Care for the Homeless in Boston.

4月22日 ボストンホームレスヘルスケアセンターのコロナ簡易テントの外に立つタラプラサド歯科医。

April 22, Dentist Tara Prasad outside of the Boston Health Care for the Homeless in Boston.

5月12日 妊娠後期にコロナ感染し、コロナ入院中に帝王切開でビクトリアちゃんを出産したイザベアゴンザレスさんの退院。ゴンザレスさんはこの時初めてビクトリアちゃんと対面した。May 12, Isabel Gonzalez seeing her baby Victoria for the first time, when she is discharged from COVID-19 Recovery Unit Spaulding Hospital in Cambridge. Gonzalez, …

5月12日 妊娠後期にコロナ感染し、コロナ入院中に帝王切開でビクトリアちゃんを出産したイザベアゴンザレスさんの退院。ゴンザレスさんはこの時初めてビクトリアちゃんと対面した。

May 12, Isabel Gonzalez seeing her baby Victoria for the first time, when she is discharged from COVID-19 Recovery Unit Spaulding Hospital in Cambridge.

Gonzalez, 34-year old from Chelsea, MA who was pregnant when she contracted COVID-19, delivered her baby Victoria via emergency C-section at Massachustts General Hospital on March 30, when she was initially admitted. She was transferred to the ICU on April 2nd, incubated and was on a ventilator until April 26th. She was admitted to Spaulding Hospital Cambridge on May 4th and now has tested COVID negative and recovered.

5月31日 過剰暴力逮捕によってなくなったジョージフロイド氏のプロテストラリー中の若きボストン黒人女性リーダーたち。May 31, Black Boston activists at a rally against the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis police custody, in Boston.

5月31日 過剰暴力逮捕によってなくなったジョージフロイド氏のプロテストラリー中の若きボストン黒人女性リーダーたち。

May 31, Black Boston activists at a rally against the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis police custody, in Boston.

5月29日 過剰暴力逮捕によってなくなったジョージフロイド氏のプロテストラリー。may 29 Black Boston activists at a rally against the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis police custody, in Boston.

5月29日 過剰暴力逮捕によってなくなったジョージフロイド氏のプロテストラリー。

may 29 Black Boston activists at a rally against the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis police custody, in Boston.

5月29日 過剰暴力逮捕によってなくなったジョージフロイド氏のプロテストラリー中に警官にペッパースプレイを吹き付けられた女性。ペッパースプレイの効果を緩和する牛乳で目を洗っている。May 29 Black Lives Matter protesters pouring milk over another protester who were pepper sprayed outside of the Boston Police District 4 precinct in Boston..

5月29日 過剰暴力逮捕によってなくなったジョージフロイド氏のプロテストラリー中に警官にペッパースプレイを吹き付けられた女性。ペッパースプレイの効果を緩和する牛乳で目を洗っている。

May 29 Black Lives Matter protesters pouring milk over another protester who were pepper sprayed outside of the Boston Police District 4 precinct in Boston.


6月13日 ブラックトランズライブスマターのマーチ。(黒人トランスジェンダー)June 13, Protesters march for Black Trans Lives Matter rally in Boston.

6月13日 ブラックトランズライブスマターのマーチ。(黒人トランスジェンダー)

June 13, Protesters march for Black Trans Lives Matter rally in Boston.

6月22日 過剰暴力逮捕によってなくなったジョージフロイド氏のプロテストラリー。June 22, Black Boston activists at a rally against the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis police custody, in Boston.

6月22日 過剰暴力逮捕によってなくなったジョージフロイド氏のプロテストラリー。

June 22, Black Boston activists at a rally against the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis police custody, in Boston.

5月31日 過剰暴力逮捕によってなくなったジョージフロイド氏のプロテストラリー。May 31 After a rally against the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis police custody, in Boston.

5月31日 過剰暴力逮捕によってなくなったジョージフロイド氏のプロテストラリー。

May 31 After a rally against the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis police custody, in Boston.

5月31日 過剰暴力逮捕によってなくなったジョージフロイド氏のプロテストラリーのあと。長い間蓄積されていた怒りを破壊的行動で消化しようとしたプロテスターもいた。May 31,  Black Boston activists at a rally against the death of Geroge Floyd in Minneapolis police custody, in Boston.

5月31日 過剰暴力逮捕によってなくなったジョージフロイド氏のプロテストラリーのあと。長い間蓄積されていた怒りを破壊的行動で消化しようとしたプロテスターもいた。

May 31, Black Boston activists at a rally against the death of Geroge Floyd in Minneapolis police custody, in Boston.

6月2日 過剰暴力逮捕によってなくなったジョージフロイド氏のプロテストラリー。June 2, Black Boston activists at a rally against the death of Geroge Floyd in Minneapolis police custody, in Boston.

6月2日 過剰暴力逮捕によってなくなったジョージフロイド氏のプロテストラリー。

June 2, Black Boston activists at a rally against the death of Geroge Floyd in Minneapolis police custody, in Boston.

8/28 マスク着用を拒否したトランプ大統領、選挙演説。

8/28 マスク着用を拒否したトランプ大統領、選挙演説。

11月3日アメリカ大統領選挙November 3rd election in USA


November 3rd election in USA

11月7日、バイデン勝利確定報道されたあとバイデン元副大統領勝利を喜ぶバイデン支持者(左)とトランプ勝利を主張するトランプ支持者。Nov 7: Supporters of President-elect Joe Biden celebrate as a supporter of President Donald Trump protest the results of the election and leans onto Trump 2020 flag pole (R) in front o…


Nov 7: Supporters of President-elect Joe Biden celebrate as a supporter of President Donald Trump protest the results of the election and leans onto Trump 2020 flag pole (R) in front of Massachusetts Statehouse in Boston. Biden defeated President Donald Trump to become the 46th president of the United States .

11月7日、バイデン勝利確定報道されたあとバイデン元副大統領勝利を喜ぶバイデン支持者、とトランプ勝利を主張するトランプ支持者(中央)。Nov 7: A supporter of President Donald Trump protest against the election result (center) as Biden supporters celebrate the result and counter protest Trump supporters in Boston.  De…


Nov 7: A supporter of President Donald Trump protest against the election result (center) as Biden supporters celebrate the result and counter protest Trump supporters in Boston. Democrat Joe Biden defeated President Donald Trump to become the 46th president of the United States.

11月7日、バイデン勝利確定報道されたあとバイデン元副大統領勝利を喜ぶバイデン支持者.  選挙の5日間をアメリカ現地ルポとしてダイアモンドオンラインに書かせていただきました。読んでいただければ幸いです。(クリック)Nov 7: Biden supporters celebrate the result and counter protest Trump supporters in Boston.  Democrat Joe Biden defeated President Donald Tru…

11月7日、バイデン勝利確定報道されたあとバイデン元副大統領勝利を喜ぶバイデン支持者.  選挙の5日間をアメリカ現地ルポとしてダイアモンドオンラインに書かせていただきました。読んでいただければ幸いです。(クリック)

Nov 7: Biden supporters celebrate the result and counter protest Trump supporters in Boston. Democrat Joe Biden defeated President Donald Trump to become the 46th president of the United States.

11月25日 Project Restore Usボランティアによる、コロナ禍で失職した家族に対するサンクスギビング前日のターキーと食材の配布。 Project Restore Usはコロナ禍で結成されたレストランと地域団体とホランティアによる食のセイフティネット団体。Nov 25, UFCW Local 1445 members deliver a grocery box and a turkey to a recipient in Everett during Thanksgiving …

11月25日 Project Restore Usボランティアによる、コロナ禍で失職した家族に対するサンクスギビング前日のターキーと食材の配布。 Project Restore Usはコロナ禍で結成されたレストランと地域団体とホランティアによる食のセイフティネット団体。

Nov 25, UFCW Local 1445 members deliver a grocery box and a turkey to a recipient in Everett during Thanksgiving grocery delivery as a part of Project Restore Us Thanksgiving food delivery. Project Restore Us is collaborative between restaurants and community to feed the families with with food insecurity.

レストランの厨房にいるレストランスタッフのポートレート (6月6日撮影)Restaurant staff in through kitchen window.

レストランの厨房にいるレストランスタッフのポートレート (6月6日撮影)

Restaurant staff in through kitchen window.

Japanese Election October 2017, 日本衆議院選


Japanese special election in October 2017.    

A rally against Pres. Trump's executove order on Travel Ban

" First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.
Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me"   Martin Niemöller


KH_U.S. Anti Trump Immigration Rally_003.JPG

Tim Kaine氏 : Hillary さんの副大統領候補

民主党大会でヒラリークリントン氏の副大統領候補指名を受けたバージニア州上院議員ティムケイン氏をニューハンプシャー州で昨日撮影してきました! 私にとってケイン議員撮影初めて。ケイン議員は94年に地元バージニア州リッチモンド市市会議員となり、その後リッチモンド市長、バージニア副知事、バージニア知事、現在バージニア州上院議員と、市政から国政までの政に携わってきた人。個人的に私はそういうことって大切だと思う。


Photographed Democratic Vice Presidential candidate Tim Kain at St. Anselm College in Goffstown, New Hampshire yesterday! (Aug 13, 2016)

Trump Rally トランプラリー

昨日(8月16日)、ニューハンプシャー州でトランプ共和党指名候補者の撮影にいってきました。3月までは結構毎週のごとく取材していたトランプ氏。久しぶりにいくと。。。白人多い!! アジア系人口私を含めて10人未満、黒人系の人たちは(いたのかもしれないけど)私は見かけませんでした。。。


トランプ旋風で大混乱の共和党、どうなるのでしょう。。。写真はトランプ氏とサポーター。ニューハンプシャー州ウィンデム市で撮影 8月6日。

Covered Republican Presidential candidate Donald Trump yesterday in Windhem, NH.

New Hampshire Primary Night

Last night, 2 "anti-establishment" candidates won New Hampshire Primary.  I was covering VT Senator Bernie Sanders at Concord High School in Concord, New Hampshire. 

The audience was very energized, inspired and moved by this victory.  The Political Revolution is coming...! 

Can Sanders keep this momentum?  We will find out... 

Year in Pictures 2015


Liberia, February 2015 

February 21, 2015, Freeman Reserved, Todee District Montserrado County, Liberia:  Ebola Survivor Mary Kollie at her rented house in Freeman Reserved, Liberia.  "I am a permanent citizen of Freeman Reserved, with 4 children. I am living in …

February 21, 2015, Freeman Reserved, Todee District Montserrado County, Liberia:  Ebola Survivor Mary Kollie at her rented house in Freeman Reserved, Liberia.  
"I am a permanent citizen of Freeman Reserved, with 4 children. I am living in a rented house.  The house owner got sick and died on September 18, 2014 in the house where we lived. The entire members of the house were quarantined at the school building for 21 days. While we were in the school, my daughter Beatrice Beayee, 12 years got sick and was transferred to ELWA ETU and died one week later. My other two children and I got sick and taken to the same ETU. We were admitted for one month and discharged on October 2014. Since my two children and I came back home, my husband abandoned us and I do not know his whereabouts. He was afraid of us and has never come back to see us"

February 21, 2015, Freeman Reserved, Todee District Montserrado County, Liberia:  Ebola Survivor Anthony Paye (green shirt) with his surviving children in Freeman Reserved, Liberia."My story started with son in Law, who was the owner of the med…

February 21, 2015, Freeman Reserved, Todee District Montserrado County, Liberia:  Ebola Survivor Anthony Paye (green shirt) with his surviving children in Freeman Reserved, Liberia.

"My story started with son in Law, who was the owner of the medicine store in Freeman Reserved. He treated my neighbor who was very ill and later declared as EVD positive. After the death of my neighbor, my son in-Law began very ill and I started to take care of him in the house without protective gear. He was sick for two weeks and later died en-route to C.H. Rennie Hospital. One week later, my daughter, mother in Law, and father in –Law got ill and they were taken to JFK Hospital, where three of them died. I was also taken to Island Hospital on the 30th of September 2014 and was tested Ebola positive. I was discharged on October 14; 2014. While in the Hospital, my entire house was looted by thieves. They took away the doors and windows from my newly constructed house including our mattresses and clothes. I left my 9 year olds daughter in the hospital and she was discharged on November 3, 2014. She was discharged and turned over to the Ministry of Health. The Ministry referred her to Harbel children care center where she spend months before tracing her family. She was reunified in early February 2015. She has not received her certificate yet. My family and I are presently living in a rented house."

February 21, 2015, Freeman Reserved, Todee District Montserrado County, Liberia:  Ebola Survivor Saran Dolo in Freeman Reserved, Liberia. "I was living in Monrovia when my husband got sick in Freeman Reserved and joined me in Monrovia. Whe…

February 21, 2015, Freeman Reserved, Todee District Montserrado County, Liberia:  Ebola Survivor Saran Dolo in Freeman Reserved, Liberia.
 "I was living in Monrovia when my husband got sick in Freeman Reserved and joined me in Monrovia. When I saw his condition, I took him back to Freeman Reserved with the understanding that when he died, he would be burned. I later sent for his two brothers from German Camp, Margibi County.  My husband died on September 18, 2014. After his death, our family was quarantined for 21 days in the school building in Freeman Reserved. His two brothers from Margibi County got sick and died at an Ebola Treatment Unit. We did not see their bodies. My husband left me with eight children — the youngest is three and the oldest is 21."

February 15 2015, Rivercess, Liberia: FACE Africa CEO Saran Kaba Jones carries a Safe Schools Initiative health and hygiene supply as UN helicopter delivers them to its implementation partner, FACE Africa in Neezuin Town, Rivercess, Liberia. &n…

February 15 2015, Rivercess, Liberia: 
FACE Africa CEO Saran Kaba Jones carries a Safe Schools Initiative health and hygiene supply as UN helicopter delivers them to its implementation partner, FACE Africa in Neezuin Town, Rivercess, Liberia.  The Safe School Initiative being rolled out this month, is funded by USAID (United States Agency for International Development), and coordinated by UNICEF in partnership with the Liberian Ministry of Education and other international and local partners to distribute hygiene kits and implementation of the hygiene kits at every school.  The Safe Schools Initiative distributes hygiene kit to 4038 schools in Liberia.  Based in U.S. and Monrovial, Liberia, FACE Africa is a implementation partner for Central Rivecess district 1 to distribution Hygiene kit to 26 schools in central Rivercess district 1. .  Hygiene Kit includes chlorine, a table spoon (for chlorine measurement),  a hands wash bucket with faucet, a bucket, robber gloves, rain boots, cleaning spray tank, stick brooms, hard brush, flip books, cloth, poster for hands wash, 2 thermal guns, manual books and check list for school principal.  Liberian Schools have been closed due to the Ebola crisis since July, 2014.  Schools are scheduled to open on March 2 in Rivercess.  

February 19, 2015: West Point, Monrovia, Liberia: A teen activist of A-Life"(Adolescents Leading the Intense Fight against Ebola) on streets of West Point, Monrovia, Liberia. They received training through UNICEF and a local charity "Think" on preve…

February 19, 2015: West Point, Monrovia, Liberia: A teen activist of A-Life"(Adolescents Leading the Intense Fight against Ebola) on streets of West Point, Monrovia, Liberia. They received training through UNICEF and a local charity "Think" on preventing the spread of Ebola virus.  West Point was one of the worst slums in West Africa.  Schools in Liberia has started re-opening schools on February 16, after closing schools last July.  Due to impact of Ebola crisis on Liberian economy,  many youth may not be able to go back to schools. 

February 26, 2015: Ganba,  Liberia: Portrait of a woman community activist in Ganba, Liberia.

February 26, 2015: Ganba,  Liberia: Portrait of a woman community activist in Ganba, Liberia.

My Work on Ebola Survivors in Liberia was featured on Public Radio International.  To read the testimonials and more photographs of the survivors, please visit PRI the world.


U.S. Presidential Electiom 2016- New Hampshire Primary

Democratic Presidential Candidate Front Runner: Hillary R. Clinton

July 4, 2015 Gorham NH USA:  Hillary Clinton, Presidential candidate and former Secretary of State, marching on Gorham July 4th Parade in Gorham, NH, USA.

July 4, 2015 Gorham NH USA:  Hillary Clinton, Presidential candidate and former Secretary of State, marching on Gorham July 4th Parade in Gorham, NH, USA.

September 5, 2015, Portsmouth, NH USA: Hillary Clinton Democratic Presidential candidate greets people on streets in Portsmouth, NH

September 5, 2015, Portsmouth, NH USA: Hillary Clinton Democratic Presidential candidate greets people on streets in Portsmouth, NH

July 28, 2015  Hopkinton NH USA:  Democratic Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton campaigning at Beech Hill Farm in Hopkinton, NH.

July 28, 2015  Hopkinton NH USA:  Democratic Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton campaigning at Beech Hill Farm in Hopkinton, NH.

Republican Presidential Candidate Front Runner: Donald Trump

April 27, 2015: VFW Post 5791, Hudson, NH: Donald Trump potential Republican Presidential candidate, campaigning VFW Post 5791 in Hudson, NH.

April 27, 2015: VFW Post 5791, Hudson, NH: Donald Trump potential Republican Presidential candidate, campaigning VFW Post 5791 in Hudson, NH.

September 17, 2015 - Rochester,  New Hampshire, United States: Republican Presidential candidate Donald Trump campaigning at  Rochester Community Center in Rochester, New Hampshire.

September 17, 2015 - Rochester,  New Hampshire, United States: Republican Presidential candidate Donald Trump campaigning at  Rochester Community Center in Rochester, New Hampshire.

April 27, 2015-Concord, New Hampshire, United States:.Donald Trump leaving "Politics and Pie" at Snowshoe Club.

April 27, 2015-Concord, New Hampshire, United States:.Donald Trump leaving "Politics and Pie" at Snowshoe Club.

Democratic Presidential Candidate: Bernie Sanders

September 7, 2015, Milford, NH, USA: Democratic Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders (I-VT)  before Labor Day Parade in Milford, NH.  

September 7, 2015, Milford, NH, USA: Democratic Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders (I-VT)  before Labor Day Parade in Milford, NH.  

Republican Presidential Candidate: Ted Cruz

April 18, 2015, Auburn NH, USA:  Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX), Republican Presidential Candidate, campaigning with his wife Heidi at the First Assembly God Church in Auburn NH.  

April 18, 2015, Auburn NH, USA:  Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX), Republican Presidential Candidate, campaigning with his wife Heidi at the First Assembly God Church in Auburn NH.  

Republican Presidential Candidate: Marco Rubio

April 17, 2015, Manchester Community College,  Manchester, MA USA: Sen Marco Rubio (R-FL), Presidential candidate, campaigning at Manchester Community College, Manchester, NH

April 17, 2015, Manchester Community College,  Manchester, MA USA: Sen Marco Rubio (R-FL), Presidential candidate, campaigning at Manchester Community College, Manchester, NH

Republican Presidential Candidate: Jeb Bush

October 29, 2015: Geno's Chowders & Sandwich Shop, Portsmouth, New Hampshire United States: Republican Presidential candidate Jeb Bush campaigning at Geno's Chowders & Sandwich Shop in Portrsmouth, New Hampshire. 

October 29, 2015: Geno's Chowders & Sandwich Shop, Portsmouth, New Hampshire United States: Republican Presidential candidate Jeb Bush campaigning at Geno's Chowders & Sandwich Shop in Portrsmouth, New Hampshire. 

Republican Presidential Candidate: Chris Christie

July 2, 2015 Nashua, NH USA:  New Jersey Governor and Presidential candidate Chris Christie campaigning with his wife Mary Pat Foster at Martha's Exchange in Nashua, NH USA.

July 2, 2015 Nashua, NH USA:  New Jersey Governor and Presidential candidate Chris Christie campaigning with his wife Mary Pat Foster at Martha's Exchange in Nashua, NH USA.

Democratic Presidential Candidate: Martin O'Malley

March 31, 2015: Nashua NH, USA: Former Maryland Governor Martin O'Malley campaigning at New Hampshire Young Democrats social hour at the Margaritas basement lounge in Nashua, NH.

March 31, 2015: Nashua NH, USA: Former Maryland Governor Martin O'Malley campaigning at New Hampshire Young Democrats social hour at the Margaritas basement lounge in Nashua, NH.

Republican Presidential Candidate:Rand Paul

July 25, 2015 Warren, NH USA:  Republican Presidential candidate Rand Paul  (R-KY) campaigning at Moose Scoops Ice Cream in Warren, NH.

July 25, 2015 Warren, NH USA:  Republican Presidential candidate Rand Paul  (R-KY) campaigning at Moose Scoops Ice Cream in Warren, NH.

Republican Presidential Candidate: Ben Carson

September 30, 2015 - Durham,  New Hampshire, United States: Republican Presidential candidate Dr. Ben Carson leaving after  campaigning during a town hall meeting at University of New Hampshire in Durham, New Hampshire.

September 30, 2015 - Durham,  New Hampshire, United States: Republican Presidential candidate Dr. Ben Carson leaving after  campaigning during a town hall meeting at University of New Hampshire in Durham, New Hampshire.

70 Years since Atomic Bombs in Japan

June 14, 2015 Hiroshima,  Hiroshima Japan: Atomic Bomb survivor Kuniriho Sakuma at Hiroshima Peace Park, Hiroshima, Japan,

June 14, 2015 Hiroshima,  Hiroshima Japan: Atomic Bomb survivor Kuniriho Sakuma at Hiroshima Peace Park, Hiroshima, Japan,

June 17, 2015 Nagasaki, Nagasaki, Japan: Nagaski Atomic Bom survivor Sachiko Matsuo at Yamazato Elementary School in Nagask, Japan. Atomic bomb was dropped in Uragami District in Nagasaki, Japan on August 9, 1945.

June 17, 2015 Nagasaki, Nagasaki, Japan: Nagaski Atomic Bom survivor Sachiko Matsuo at Yamazato Elementary School in Nagask, Japan. Atomic bomb was dropped in Uragami District in Nagasaki, Japan on August 9, 1945.

June 18, 2015 Uragami District, Nagasaki, Nagasaki, Japan: Atomic Bomb survivor Setsuo Uchino outside of now closed air raid shelter in Nagask, Japan.  Uchino , 1 year and 9 months old, was inside the shelter, when Atomic bomb was dropped in Ur…

June 18, 2015 Uragami District, Nagasaki, Nagasaki, Japan: Atomic Bomb survivor Setsuo Uchino outside of now closed air raid shelter in Nagask, Japan.  Uchino , 1 year and 9 months old, was inside the shelter, when Atomic bomb was dropped in Uragami District in Nagasaki, Japan on August 9, 1945.

Please visit my website to read and learn more about Atomic Bombs Survivors in Japan.  


Photographs from Personal Project Liberia 2015



May 2016 bring you joy & happiness to your life.

Weekend of Photography (Politics/政治編)

I spent photographing Presidential Hopefuls in NH this labor day weekend.  On Saturday, I spent covering Hillary Clinton.  On Sunday, I spent covering Scott Walker.  On Monday, I photographed Bernie Sanders, John Kasick, Carley Fiorina and Lindsey Graham.  You can see more photographs on campaign on Road to the White House by Keiko .  

土曜日 ヒラリークリントンさん
日曜日 スコットウォーカーさん
月曜日 バーニーサンダースさん、カーリーフィオリーナさん、

2016年大統領選挙の候補者の方々の写真はウェブサイトのRoad to the White House by Keikoにのせています。 お時間のあるときにでもご覧いただければ幸いです。

September 5, 2015, Portsmouth, NH USA: Hillary Clinton Democratic Presidential candidate greets people on streets in Portsmouth, NH. 

September 5, 2015, Portsmouth, NH USA: Hillary Clinton Democratic Presidential candidate greets people on streets in Portsmouth, NH. 

September 6, 2015, Milford, NH, USA: Republican presidential candidate and Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker campaigning during Labor Day Weekend Harley Ride at Milford, NH.  

September 6, 2015, Milford, NH, USA: Republican presidential candidate and Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker campaigning during Labor Day Weekend Harley Ride at Milford, NH.  

September 7, 2015, Milford, NH, USA: Republican Presidential candidate Lindsey Graham (R-SC)  campaigning before Labor Day Parade in Milford, NH.  

September 7, 2015, Milford, NH, USA: Republican Presidential candidate Lindsey Graham (R-SC)  campaigning before Labor Day Parade in Milford, NH.  

September 7, 2015, Milford, NH, USA: Republican Presidential candidate and Ohio Governor John Kasich campaigning before Labor Day Parade in Milford, NH.  

September 7, 2015, Milford, NH, USA: Republican Presidential candidate and Ohio Governor John Kasich campaigning before Labor Day Parade in Milford, NH.  

September 7, 2015, Milford, NH, USA: Republican Presidential candidate Carly Fiorina campaigning before Labor Day Parade in Milford, NH.  

September 7, 2015, Milford, NH, USA: Republican Presidential candidate Carly Fiorina campaigning before Labor Day Parade in Milford, NH.  

September 7, 2015, Concord, NH, USA: Democratic Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders (I-VT) campaigning at his NH campaign headquarter opening in Concord, NH.  

September 7, 2015, Concord, NH, USA: Democratic Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders (I-VT) campaigning at his NH campaign headquarter opening in Concord, NH.  

Black Lives Matter #Boston2Baltimore

“If you're not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the oppressing.”  Malcom X

I DON'T believe that media is to be blamed 100%.  I DON'T believe that looting in streets of Baitimore is justified.  I DO believe that we have to be careful when the society have you hate the vulnerable and praise the strongest....

What happened to Freddie Gray was a tragic, and what is happening in Baltimore is a tragic.... 

April 29, 2015: Dudley Park, Boston, MA USA:  Black Lives Matter " Justice for Freddie Grey" protester at Dudley Park in Boston, MA.  Protesters marched against police violence in cities from New York to Boston on April 29, 2015, as troops…

April 29, 2015: Dudley Park, Boston, MA USA:  Black Lives Matter " Justice for Freddie Grey" protester at Dudley Park in Boston, MA.  Protesters marched against police violence in cities from New York to Boston on April 29, 2015, as troops stood by in Baltimore to enforce a curfew imposed after civil unrest over the death of a 25-year-old black man Freddie Gray. 

New section on my website: Road to the White House by Keiko

I added a new section on my website "Road to the White House by Keiko " :-)

I have started to cover campaign 2016.  Since I came back from Liberia in March, I have photographed over 10 Presidential hopefuls !  I will post 1 photo a day from my coverage of campaign 2016.  Hope you like them!   You can also view them on Instagram: Road2thewhitehousebykeiko.

ウェブサイトに新しいセクション "Road to the White House by Keiko "をつくりました。リベリアから3月にかえってきて、今まで10人以上の共和/民主党の候補者、候補者候補の撮影をしました。1日1枚ずつ校舎者達のキャンペーン中にかいま見た素顔の写真を行進していきたいと思います どうぞご覧頂ければ幸いです。インストグラム Road2thewhitehousebykeiko.もはじめました。どうぞ宜しくお願い致します。